Publications 2013
Gregory Senay, Benjamin Bigot, Georges Linarès, corinne Fredouille, Richard Dufour,"Person name spotting by combining acoustic matching and LDA topic models " International conference of the Speech Communication Association, ISCA, InterSpeech'13, Lyon, France.
Usman Niaz, Bernard Mérialdo,"Improving video concept detection using uploader model " , ICME, San Jose, California, USA, July 15-19, 2013
Mohamed Morchid, Richard Dufour and Georges Linarès, "Thematic representation of Short messages: application in the Twitter context, " In Conference of the Pacific Association for Computational Linguistics, PACLING'13, Tokyo, Japan 2013.
Usman Niaz, Bernard Mérialdo, "Leveraging from group classification for video concept detection," CBMI, Veszprem, Hungary, June 17-19 2013.
Mohamed Morchid, Georges Linarès, Marc El-Bèze, Renato DeMori, "Theme Identification in Telephone Service Conversations using Quaternions of Speech Features", In International conference of the Speech Communication Association, ISCA, InterSpeech'13, Lyon, France.
Usman Niaz, Bernard Mérialdo, "Fusion methods for multimodal indexing of web data,", WIAMIS, Paris, France, July 3-5, 2013
Mohamed Morchid, Richard Dufour, Georges Linarès, "Event detection from image hosting services using slightly supervised learning of multi-span context models", 11th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing, 2013, Veszprém, Hungary.
Usman Niaz, Bernard Mérialdo, " Exploring intra-bow statistics for improving visual categorization," WIAMIS, Paris, France, July 3-5, 2013
Mickael Rouvier, Georges Linarès, Benoit Favre, Bernard Mérialdo, "Searching segments of interest in single story web-videos", International Workshop on Image and Audio Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services, WIAMIS 2013, Paris, France.
Mohamed Morchid, Richard Dufour, Georges Linarès, ,"LDA-based method for automatic tagging of Youtube videos", International Workshop on Image and Audio Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services, WIAMIS 2013, Paris, France.
Mohamed Morchid, Richard Dufour, Georges Linarès, "LIA@inex2012 : Combinaison de thèmes latents pour la contextualisation de tweets", 13e Conférence Francophone sur l'Extraction et la Gestion des Connaissances, 9 janvier - 01 février 2013, Toulouse,France.
Mohamed Morchid et Georges Linarès, "Prédiction des Buzz sur Twitter par analyse des contenus ", CORIA 2013, Neuchatel, Suisse.
Publications 2012
Gregory Senay, Benjamin Lecouteux, Georges Linarès, "Confidence measure for speech indexing based on Latent Dirichlet Allocation", In International conference of the Speech Communication Association, ISCA, InterSpeech'12, Portland, USA, 2012.
Usman Niaz, Bernard Merialdo, "Entropy based Supervised Merging for Visual Categorization", ACIVS Advanced Concepts for
Intelligent Vision Systems, Sept 2012, Brno University of Technology, Brno, Czech Republic.
Qian Li, Usman Farroh Niaz and Bernard Merialdo, "An Improved Algorithm on Viola-Jones Object Detector", CBMI 2012, Juin 2012, Annecy (disponible en ligne).
Morchid Mohamed, Georges Linarès, "Extractions de mots-clefs dans des vidéos Web par Analyse Latente de Dirichlet". JEP-TALN'12, Juin 2012, Grenoble (disponible en ligne)
Grégory Senay, Benjamin Lecouteux, Georges Linarès,"Prédiction de l'indexabilité d'une transcription automatique", Journées d'étude de la parole, JEP 2012 AFCP, Grenoble, 2012.
Publications 2011
Mickael Rouvier, Georges Linarès, "LIA @ MediaEval 2011: Compact representation of heterogeneous descriptors for video genre classification", Workshop MediaEva Elvaluation campaign, 2011.
Mohamed Morchid, Georges Linarès, "Mediaeval benchmark: Social Event Detection using LDA and external resources" Workshop MediaEval Evaluation campaign, 2011.